7 days of transmutation in Maui, igniting the power within your 7 chakras
How attractive do you think you are?
The great spiritual masters speak about personal magnetism & how we can increase it
Accordingly, the Indian yogic traditions allude to 7 main energy centers in your physical body, called “chakras”, that govern your health & are directly influenced by your emotional state, lifestyle choices, thoughts, etc.
When your chakras are healthy you radiate with confidence, grace and vitality — your life falls into place with ease.
However, like a garden hose, the flow of energy between your chakras can become blocked which significantly impacts your overall well-being.
Would you like to receive ancient yet practical tools to release stress & awaken the boundless life-force energy within you?
Imagine a tropical escape to Maui, immersed in the healing essence of Hawai’i to recharge your “mana”, your spiritual power.
We cordially invite you to unite with an intimate selection of like-minded souls to reconnect with your inner wisdom — the voice of truth that guides you along your path.
Each day is specially curated to support you to tune in & reveal the next step in your evolution. Our team of senior teachers and expert healers will guide you to ground into your roots as you elevate your personal frequency through a nourishing blend of daily meditation/yoga, traditional Hawai’ian healing rituals, surfing adventures, Ayurvedic cuisine, etc. — catering fully to meet the needs of your body, mind & spirit.
Accommodations include a “restful alternative to bustling Maui beachfront resorts”. You will be tucked away on the lush, private grounds of Lumeria Maui — renowned wellness retreat center most notable for their nature-inspired design, modern amenities and organic furnishings, offering a peaceful place to rejuvenate.
As a treat upon reservation, enjoy a complimentary wellness consultation to prepare for your arrival.
“Great opportunities don't come everyday — recognize and seize them with every chance you get.”
— Unknown
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Earlier Event: June 30
Levitate: A Floating Sound Healing Ceremony
Later Event: August 30
AWAKEN: A New Moon Sound Healing Ceremony with Giuliano